Municipal employers and international co-operation

Local Government and County Employers KT promotes the labour market interests of municipal employers at international level.

International co-operation

KT represents municipal employers in the national implementation of EU regulations and advises local and joint authorities in their application.   

KT's interest representation in the EU

KT promotes the interests of Finnish municipal employers in the European Union by participating in the activities of the

  • European Centre of Employers and Enterprises Providing Public Services (CEEP)
  • Employers' Platform of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR-EP)
  • European Hospital and Healthcare Employers' Association (HOSPEEM)
  • European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE).

As a member of CEEP, KT takes part in a social dialogue covering all sectors; and as a member of CEMR's Employers' Platform it participates in the dialogue in the field of local government. 

Local government labour market issues in the EU are handled in the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for Local and Regional Government.

Close cooperation between municipal employers in the Nordic countries

KT maintains strong links with other Nordic municipal employer organisations.

Among the Nordic municipal employers, Denmark, Sweden and Norway are members of both CEEP and CEMR's Employers' Platform.

Henrika Nybondas-Kangas

Phone number:
+358 9 771 2100
+358 50 357 4233
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